Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

Mengatasi Penyakit Adenium yang Sering Menyerang

Mengatasi penyakit adenium merupakan bagian dari merawat tanaman adenium atau kamboja jepang. Sebenarnya tanaman ini jarang terkena penyakit. Tapi kalau adenium dibudidayakan banyak, tentu besar kemungkinan ada yang terkena penyakit. Lantas penyakit apa saja yang sering menghinggapi adenium. Saya akan coba sharing dibawah ini.

Penyebab utama adenium terkena penyakit karena lingkungan tanaman tidak terjaga kebersihannya. Dari sini mulai timbul gulma yang bisa menjadi faktor hama dan penyakit.

Penyakit yang Sering Menyerang Adenium

1. Pomopsis
Tanda dari adenium terkena pomopsis adanya bercak coklat pada daun, makin lama makin melebar kemudian membusuk.

Cara mengatasi penyakit pomopsis ini dengan menyemprot Manzate, Daconil atau Ortocide. Dosis pemberian 1 g / l air.

2. Layu pucuk
Layu pucuk disebut juga dengan layu fusarium. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh cendawan Fusarium. Adenium yang diserang terlihat pucuk daun hitam dan busuk. Tetapi tidak berbau sehingga menyebabkan tanaman mogok bertunas.

Cara mengatasi dengan menyemprotkan Manzate, Daconil atau Orthocide. Pemakaian dengan dosis 1 g / l air.

3. Busuk Akar
Penyakit ini tidak disebabkan oleh cendawan, virus atau bakteri. Busuk akar termasuk penyakit fisiologis. Diawali dengan menyiram berlebihan atau curah hujan tinggi, akibatnya media tanam menjadi lembab. Kondisi media lembab berkepanjangan berakibat busuk akar atau busuk bonggol.

Kalau busuk akar terlihat yaitu diatas media tentu cepat di obati. Celakanya kalau tidak terlihat karena ditutupi media tentu akan cepat melebar. Hal ini ditandai dengan kuning daun dan adenium jadi kerdil.

Mengatasinya, segera bongkar media tanam, lalu potong akar busuk dengan pisau steril. Bagian potongan diolesi fungisida Benlate. Setelah itu digantung atau ditanam kembali dengan media baru. Untuk sementara tunda dulu menyiram media.

Bagaimana? Apakah Hobiis pernah mengalami penyakit adenium seperti diatas? Mudah-mudahan solusi ini dapat membantu.

Sumber : http://tutoadenium.blogspot.com/

Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

Contoh Desain Kaos Olahraga Sekolah

Info Desain Contoh Desain Kaos Olahraga Sekolah

  • Software pembuat : Corel Draw 12 
  • Platform : Microsoft Windows 
  • Jenis : Kaos Olah Raga 
  • Format File : cdr 
  • Keunggulan : 
- Warna biru yang segar
- Terdapat bagian berpori yang membuatnya aerodinamis
 - Turtle neck
- Lengan panjang bisa dilepas menjadi lengan

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

Contoh Logo Organisasi Pecinta Alam

Info Desain Contoh Logo Organisasi Pecinta Alam 

  • Software Pembuat : Corel Draw 12 atau X2 
  •  Platform : Microsoft Windows 
  • Jenis : Desain logo Contoh Logo Organisasi Pecinta Alam
  • Format File : cdr 
  • Makna Logo : 
1. Dengan bentuk yang didasari oleh segitiga menunjukkan sebuah hubungan spiritual antara manusia, alam, dan Tuhan.Harapan dari simbol ini adalah anggota dari organisasi ini akan selalu memikirkan kepentingan manusia tetapi selalu memikirkan alam dan tentunya selalu ingat kepada pencipta alam yaitu Allah.
2. Dengan bentuk telapak kaki yang berarti organisasi ini telah meninggalkan jejak petualangan di alam
3. Warna merah bersifat menaklukkan, ekspansif (meluas), dominan (berkuasa), aktif dan vital (hidup), dengan harapan organisasi ini dan seluruh anggota dari organisasi ini akan selalu mendominasi,aktif,berkuasa dan mudah menaklukkan kesulitan apapun yang ada di depannya
4. Warna biru sebagai warna yang menimbulkan kesan dalamnya sesuatu (dediepte), sifat yang tak terhingga dan transenden, disamping itu memiliki sifat tantangan. Dengan harapan bahwa anggota dari organisasi ini akan selalu menyukai tantangan terutama tantangan yang diberikan oleh alam
5. Warna abu-abu pada kata "IPA" merupakan warna yang paling netral dengan tidak adanya sifat atau kehidupan spesifik. Kata IPA bersifat netral dan memiliki kepnjangan "Ikatan Pecinta Alam"
6. Warna hijau pada kata "LA" mempunyai sifat keseimbangan dan selaras, membangkitkan ketenangan dan tempat mengumpulkan daya-daya baru.kata "La" berkepanjangan alam
7. Warna orang pada kata "SMADA" mempunyai arti bahwa warna orange adalah warna khas SMAN 2 Lumajang 

How To Replace Front Brake Pads

This is an illustrated instruction on how to replace front brake pads. In the four wheeled vehicles, front wheel brake pads worn out faster than the rear wheel brake linings. Because when braking, the front wheels absorb more kinetic energy to reduce vehicle speed. Also because the front wheels are using disc brakes which have smaller pads than the drum brake.

Disc brake is faster dry when wet if compared to drum brake. Water layer on disc will be thrown out by centrifugal force as the wheel rotates, so the faster the vehicle the sooner brakes dry up and normally functioning. The disc can be designed with fan blades inside to pump cooling air, so disc brake is cooler than drum brake.

The figure below shows a disc brake right after washed with water before it’s pads is replaced.

On drum brakes, because the shape of the drum, the water tends to accumulate on the inside of drum and makes it difficult to dry. To dry wet drum brake, eg. after flooded street, apply half brake or pull parking brake half while running the vehicle, the water will evaporate by the heat of friction between drum and brake lining. Drum brakes have bigger pads or shoe and better grip even with smaller brake pressure, so the piston on the drum brake is much smaller than the piston of disc brake. Brake shoe or lining of drum brake is much more durable than pads of disc brake.

Because of the above considerations it is currently designed vehicles with rear drum brakes, drum brakes work well even with low force making it suitable as a parking brake. Drum brake are generally cost less than disc brake, theore vehicle prices will be more affordable. While disc brakes are placed in the front wheels to ensure the grip when wet.

Front brake pads are replaced when its has thickness less than 3 mm or 1/8 inch. On some vehicles, brake pads have a plate that if touching and rubbing against the disc, it will be making a sound while the vehicle is running. The sound is used as a warning to immediately replace the brake lining.

For vehicles photographed here, replacement of brake pads is performed on 70,150 km, or about 44,000 miles, pads have not been replaced since the car was new. Brake pads usage is operating condition dependent.

The thickness of the brake lining can also be peeked from crevices of wheel spokes, as shown below the worn out brake lining is pointed by yellow arrow.

The figure below shows worn out brake pads on the left, and new brake pads on the right. The new brake pad thickness is about 10 mm or 3/8 inches. A plate is mounted on two pads (in the photo at the top) is the indicator plate that will sound if it is touching and rubbing against the brake disc as a sign that it needs to be replaced. Pad with indicator plate is positioned infront of brake piston and directly pressed by brake piston.

Sometimes brake pad worn out excessively on one side only, it may happen if dirt jams caliper mechanism. So one pad is always pressed and rubbed against disc.

Below is the procedure to replace the front wheel brake pads which is applied to Honda City i-DSI. But with a little modification, this procedure can be applied to other vehicles also.

Park the vehicle, chock the wheels to help the parking brake. Jack the front wheel which needs brake pads replacement. Ensure safety, jackstand should be used to help supporting vehicle incase jack collapsed. Removed wheel can be used as a jackstand by placing under vehicle body to support vehicle if jack collapsed, image below is showing a wooden block is placed above wheel and under car body to to help jack.

After the wheel removed, check if there is leakage of brake fluid, check if any wet component by brake fluid. If any leakage from piston seal, piston housing will be wet. As brake fluid go down, the lower part of piston housing will be wet also. Leakage can also occur on nipple, and brake line connection, check for any wet part on those components.

Break fluid leakage also can be happened to master cylinder or pedal cylinder.

Clean the wheel well and all components including suspension and steering with water in order to make the job cleaner and easier.

Top image shows disc brakes have just cleaned with water, some parts still look wet. Disc brakes work by pressing or clamping pads on either side of the disc. Pads are always touching disc surface, when braking the piston will be pressing pads and clamping the left side and right side of the disc. So on the disc brake, pads are very slightly moved, only pressure is increased while braking.

While on drum brake, brake shoes do not always touch the drum. When braking, piston moves brake shoes outward and to touch the inside of drum, then the piston pressure on brake shoes will determine the braking force. If the shoes are always touching surface inside the drum, then the brake will get hot and jammed. That is why drum brake needs adjustment.

After the wheel is removed, via small window or hole on brake caliper can be seen a thin brake pad (yellow arrow) as the photo below, pad thickness can be measured through this hole to ensure replacement.

By using a screwdriver or prybar or lever to move caliper and retract piston to make pads no longer touch disc. Lever is inserted through caliper hole and into disc fan, and then pull lever to left or right (depending on the position of the wheel) to move the caliper and retract piston to release pads. In the picture below the yellow arrow indicates the position where the lever is inserted.

No need to open the bleeding valve but make sure not to spill brake fluid from the reservoir, because brake fluid will return to the reservoir. The figure below shows the brake reservoir on the left, while on the right is the clutch reservoir. If any spilled brake fluid, flush with water immediately to avoid it damages the paint.

After the caliper is moved, the lever can be inserted between the gap between disc and pad to make sure piston is fully retracted. The figure below shows using jack rod as a lever. Piston should fully retracted to make room for new thicker pads. Be caul not to damage pistorn rubber booth when using lever. Always make sure no brake fluid spilled from the reservoir.

Yellow arrow in photo below shows two caliper bolts, one upper and one lower.

Undo those two bolts that hold the brake caliper. Use the 12 mm ring spanner to loosen the bolt, and 19 mm open end spanner to hold the nut. The following figure shows caliper bolt when loosening, note how to use ring spanner and open end spanner.

Once the caliper removed, use screwdriver to remove pads. The figure below shows screwdriver is prying off the outside pad.

Below photo shows the caliper is removed, both brake pads have also been removed. Seen here two caliper bolts are put back in order not to lose, pointed by two yellow arrows. While the blue arrow point to the bleeding valve that is not opened. Make sure there are no signs of brake fluid leaking, check if any wet component by brake fluid. Usually leakage occurs on piston seal,  nipple, and brake line connection. 

Clean all brake components with water. Check all rubber boots, ensure no torn booth. Torn booth may cause dirt to accumulate and lead to brakes jam and higher fuel consumption, at high speed disc can be really hot to glow and smoke. Dirt can also cause the brakes to be difficult to operate or no brake because the piston can not grip the disc. If the dirt enters piston cylinder, it can damage piston seal causing leak and no brake pressure or hydraulic pressure. Check brake hose and make sure it is not twisted, ensure no brake fluid seepage, brakes will not working if the hose is leaking as no hydraulic pressure. Do not let the caliper hanging with the hose, if necessary tie caliper with a rope to suspension.

Check and clean anti-squeal shims, these shims are needed to prevent squeaking noise when braking. These plates are often forgotten during instalation. In the picture below there are 3 shims, on the very left is the one mounted on the outer brake pad. Two on the right are both intalled to inner brake pad or piston side brake pad, the piston pressure mark is still visible on the far right plate.

 Install new brake pads, see on below picture outer pad is already installed with its anti-squeal shim, as well as inner pad also already installed. For inner pad or piston side pad, sometimes it is difficult to install as its position is difficult to see. So fit inner pad first, because the retaining clip will furl at the opposite side, so it will be difficult to fit inner pad if the outer pad fitted first.

Below picture shows position of indicator plate (yellow arrow) of the piston side or inner side brake pad.

Reinstall caliper, fit and tighten two caliper bolts, do it with the reverse order of disassembly sequence. Always replace brake pad to the left and the right wheel at once to ensure balanced braking and vehicle will not pulled to the left nor right when braking. When tightening wheel nuts or wheel bolts, must always in criss-cross sequence. Test brake performance by running vehicle and brake suddenly, to ensure vehicle can be used safely.

Air bleeding procedure of rear brake hydraulic system is discussed in article: Brake Bleeding Practical Procedure By Only One Mechanic.

For bleeding front brake hydraulic system please read article: Front Brake Bleeding By One Mechanic Only.

If there are air bubbles in the hydraulic system, it will feel like stepping on a foam or balloon when brake pedal is stepped, or mushy pedal, and pedal travel is much longer than normal. Normal pedal travel is between 1-2 cm or 1/2 - 1 inches. As the air bleeding valve is never opened on the above procedure, and no replacement of seals, or other repairement for the hydraulic system, then there is no way for air to get into the hydraulic system. So the vehicle is safe enough to drive.

Considering that the brake fluid also serves to clean the hydraulic system, brake fluid absorbs moisture and water, the possibility of air that seeped into the hydraulic system, or the presence of brake fluid vapor in the system, theore brake fluid must be drained periodically. Usually brake fluid is drained every 2 years, please er to your vehicle service manual.

Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Tips Membersih dan Memutihkan Wajah

Memiliki kulit muka yang bersih dan cerah merupakan satu anugerah yang sungguh bermakna. Bagi yang dikurniakan kelebihan itu, anda tentu bersyukur, kan?

Kulit Cerah

Kulit Cerah - stumbleupon.com

Namun begitu, bagi yang ingin mencerahkan atau memutihkan kulit muka, ada satu petua tradisional yang boleh dicuba. Bahan utama yang diperlukan adalah pucuk jambu batu yang masih muda.

Pucuk Jambu Batu

Pucuk Jambu Batu - ar-romli.net

Tanpa berlengah, apakata anda ikuti tips memutihkan wajah di bawah ini;

1. Ambil 4 hingga 5 helai pucuk jambu dan bersihkannya.

2. Tumbuk ia sampai hancur dan campurkan dengan sedikit air bersih.

3. Kemudian, sapu serta gosokkan secara perlahan-lahan bahan tadi ke muka anda.

4. Lakukan langkah no.3 sekurang-kurang dalam 5 minit.

5. Selepas itu, cucilah muka anda dengan air bersih dan lapkannya dengan tuala lembut.

Jadikan proses di atas sebagai amalan untuk memutihkan kulit wajah anda.

Semoga Berhasil!

Kaedah Semulajadi Halau Serangga Perosak

Kehadiran serangga perosak seperti lalat, lipas, nyamuk atau tikus di kediaman anda memang tidak diundang, betul? Walau dah dihalau berkali-kali, makhluk ini tetap tak serik-serik. Bukannya tak sudi, tapi kedatangan serangga perosak ini membuatkan anda dilabel sebagai seseorang yang kurang mementingkan kebersihan.

Lebih menyedihkan lagi, serangga ini turut membawa penyakit seperti demam denggi dan kencing tikus.

Sebagai langkah pencegahan daripada didatangi penyakit berkaitan, anda boleh cuba menghalau serangga perosak tersebut dengan menggunakan daun nilam. Imej di bawah ni mungkin dapat membantu anda mengenalinya. :)

Daun Nilam - mike3k@flickr.com

Bau daun nilam nilam dikatakan memang tak digemari oleh serangga perosak tersebut. Sebab ia harum mewangi dan secara tak langsung bersifat anti serangga.

Serangga perosak ni mana suka persekitaran yang harum. Ia lebih suka tempat yang kotor dan berbau busuk. Di situ, ia akan lebih cepat untuk membiak.

Kesimpulannya, anda tanamlah pokok nilam ataupun letakkan daunnya pada tempat-tempat yang difikirkan sesuai di kawasan kediaman anda bagi menghalau serta mengelakkan pembiakan makhluk perosak yang berkaitan.

Selamat Mencuba!